Ndakondja Uusiku is a 19-year-old accounting student. Ndakondja awaits to graduate from the Olafika Small-Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Development and Mentoring Program with an accredited certificate in SME Development.
With his passion for entrepreneurship and community development, he co-founded Mindaway Investments CC in 2016, a diversified investment portfolio company where he also serves as Executive Director.
Through Ndakondja Uusiku Motivations, he founded and currently chairs a youth Organization, Purposeful Camp Namibia (PCN) which organizes annual youth camps that sends out its participants as disruptors into the mainstream development sphere of Namibia. Through PCN, he also serves as a Partner at On The Grow, a youth organization that develops Youth Development Workshops. He aims to inspire and nurture young minds through Purposeful Camp Namibia.