Niki Angelou is a Senior Gender and Energy Consultant in the Energy and Extractive Industries Global Practice at the World Bank where she focuses on gender equality in the energy sector. She is currently supporting the ESMAP Gender and Energy Program, through several activities including training, project-level support in the LAC region, and gender data analysis within the Energy Access Multi-Tier Framework. She is also contributing to the Afghanistan Energy Study program.
Previously she worked on energy access measuring approaches, result-based aid in the energy sector and biofuels in the South Pacific. She has co-authored multiple World Bank flagship knowledge products including the Beyond Connection: Energy Access Redefined, several Global Tracking Framework reports, the State of the Electricity Access Report and Access to Modern Energy Services for Health Facilities. She holds a MSc in Environmental Technology and Energy Policy from the Imperial College London and completed a MSc in Industrial Strategy at the Sorbonne University in Paris.