Over the past 15 years, Olivier Mukarji has supported the World Bank, United Nations, the African Union and civil society in the design and deployment of conflict prevention and response instruments (mediation, DDR, SSR). More recently Olivier is involved with promoting private sector investment in low and middle income Sub-Saharan countries, targeting labor intensive sectors that aim to unlock job fueled growth potential in blue and green economies. As an advisor to the WB and the AU, he is involved in shaping partner efforts to integrate a human rights approach to data collection and analysis and development of targeted guidance and training in regional peace and security initiatives. He is a fellow at the Geneva Center for Security Policy and at the Leiden University Humanity X Initiative. Olivier sits on the advisory board of AISEC International, a global youth organization focusing on dynamics between education and job sectors globally, and alignment with youth interests. He has a Master’s degree in International Development and a Master’s degree in Communications from Roskilde University, Denmark.