Pascaline Wanjiku is a Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist with the World Bank Group’s Water Global Practice. She has over 10 years of experience in the water sector, with particular focus on water supply, sanitation, and hygiene. Her work at the Bank has involved supporting the Government of Kenya in implementing a portfolio of World Bank-financed water projects amounting to over US$1 billion, undertaking analytical and advisory services on various topics including strategic scenario analysis for accelerating access to water and sanitation services and identifying PPP Options for Non-Sewered Sanitation Services and non-revenue water reduction. She is part of the World Bank’s global Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) and supported GoK in pioneering a Countywide Inclusive Sanitation approach. She is currently leading a team of staff and consultants working on the Lakewide Inclusive Sanitation initiative for the Lake Victoria Basin. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science and Masters in Resources Engineering.