Pasquale Steduto holds a MSc in Water Science and a PhD in Soil-Plant-Water Relationships from the University of California in Davis. He has been working for over 25 years on agricultural water use efficiency and water productivity, with a focus on crops water requirements, their yield response to water and associate modeling development under water scarcity conditions. He has managed many water-related development projects in Southern Europe, North Africa, the Near East and sub-Saharan Africa. He joined FAO in 2003 as Chief of the Water Resources, Development and Management Service.
He has been the UN-Water Chair in 2007-2009 and has served as member of the Global Agenda Council for Water Security in the Global Economic Forum, of the Advisory Committee of the World Water Week at the Stockholm International Water Institute, of the Board of Governors of the World Water Council, and coordinator of the priority theme on water and food security for the World Water Forum 6.
In 2019, he was Deputy Director of the Land and Water Division and recently became Regional Programme Coordinator for the Near East and North Africa and manager of the Regional Initiative on ‘Water Scarcity’. He is author of over 100 publications in scientific journals and books.