Patrick Banya

Patrick Banya


As a short term regulatory reform and PPD consultant with the WBG’s Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice, Patrick Banya is passionate about making a difference in fragile and conflict affected states. Patrick has facilitated development of Public Private Dialogue (PPD) platforms in South Sudan and Somaliland in order to promote inclusive private sector recovery and advance peace building.  Patrick started work with the IFC in 2007 as a short term consultant and then coordinated WBG’s Zambia Investment Climate Services Program from 2008 – 2009.  He has since supported design and implementation of business environment and investment climate reforms in most countries across the Eastern Africa sub region. Patrick holds a master’s degree in political economy and government and has 15+ combined years of experience in private sector development and policy reform arenas. He has also consulted for many institutions including: Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), European Union, UNCTAD, UNDP, BDO EA Advisory Services, International Labor Organization, UNIDO, Trademark East Africa, International Trade Centre, and others.