Patrick Kalas

Patrick Kalas

Adviser in Strategic Communication and ICTs for Development

Patrick P. Kalas is a development practitioner who after nearly 10 years of experience in development cooperation is convinced that an inclusive, participatory and interactive communication process lies at the core of sustainable poverty alleviation efforts.Critically and with direct implications for the field of development cooperation, this communication process is enhanced through the proliferation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)- making this a key contributing factor in empowering people and catalyzing socio-economic and political change. For better results and larger impact, he believes that development practitioners should consider a more systematic, strategic and smart integration of ICTs into their programs across all sectors.

He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations, International Business Management and Communication from Eckerd College (USA), a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the Graduate Institute for Development and International Studies in Geneva and a post-gradual degree in strategic program management from the Centre for Development and Cooperation (NADEL) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.

Patrick worked in the private sector, various non-governmental development organizations and the United Nations as Project Officer for the UN Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace. After his active role in the World Summit for an Information Society (WSIS), he joined the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) from 2006-2011 as Program Manager in the realm of ICTs for Development coining the terms “strategic integration of ICTs into development programs”, the "7'C approach to strategic ICT Integration", and “Voices 2.0”. He is presently an independent adviser for strategic communication, ICTs for Development, Knowledge Management and Capacity Development.



Patrick’s publications and contributions include:

“Deepening Participation and Enhancing Aid Effectiveness through ICTs and Media” (2011)

“Voices 2.0- Revolutionizing Participation within Development Cooperation” (2011)

“The ICT4D Baby is Out but Its Bathwater is Making Waves“ (2011)

“Blossoming Seeds of Change in Tunisia- The tale of an ICT-enhanced transformation with regional flourishing” (2011)

“Simple but not Easy- Why strategic integration of ICTs into development programs is simply not easy” (2010)

“African Citizens need a Voice as well as Votes” (2010)

“Planting the knowledge seed- Adapting to climate change using ICTs”(2009)