Pedzi Makumbe is an Energy Specialist at ESMAP, the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program at the World Bank. Prior to joining the World Bank, Pedzi was a Director at Gard Global Group, an energy efficiency and renewable energy consultancy based in Boston, Massachusetts. His work at ESAMP focuses on energy efficiency and low carbon development. In energy efficiency, Pedzi primarily helps cities assess their energy efficiency, and develop interventions which they can implement in order to save energy and financial resources. In low carbon development, Pedzi is in charge of assisting client countries in their analytical modeling efforts. This includes developing capacity building programs, supervising teams developing ESMAP's analytical tools and disseminating the tools. These efforts help client countries come up with low carbon development scenarios, mitigation potentials, marginal abatement costs and related economic metrics. Geographically, Pedzi has worked with clients in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Eastern Europe. He holds a Masters and a PhD in engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as a post-doctorate from Harvard University.