Randi Ryterman, a US national, joined the World Bank in 1992. She is the new director for Innovation and Change Management at the World Bank Institute (WBI). Before joining WBI in 2009, she managed the Public Sector Governance Anchor in the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM). She also managed the Stolen Assets Recovery (StAR) Initiative, which is jointly implemented by the Bank and the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crimes. Ms. Ryterman previously worked in the Bank’s Europe and Central Asia Department and the Development Economics Research Group, where she helped to research and design institutional reforms to combat corruption and improve delivery of public services. Prior to joining the Bank, Ms. Ryterman worked as an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, where she taught Comparative Economic Systems and International Trade. She has also worked in the private sector, on issues related to the regulation of the oil and gas industry. Ms. Ryterman has a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Maryland. She has written widely on governance, anticorruption, and institutions in transition countries. She received the Ed A. Hewett Prize for an Outstanding Contribution to the Studies of the Political Economy of the Soviet Union and East Central Europe and their Successor States.