Rhonda Jordan-Antoine, PhD is an Energy Specialist in the Africa Region, working on investment and advisory projects in various countries, including Kenya, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Lesotho, Burundi, and Senegal, and she leads the program Geospatial Electrification Planning in the Africa Region. Prior to joining the Africa Region, Rhonda served as TTL of the Power System Planning Support Program during which time she focused on least-cost power sector planning and system-wide analysis of energy projects, supporting teams in the ECA, MENA, LAC and Africa regions to define power sector engagement strategies and assess the techno-economic viability of specific operations. Rhonda also provided technical support in the areas of energy efficiency and smart-meter deployment for revenue protection, served as member of Sustainable Energy for All (SEFA) Corporate Team, led the WBG's analytical contributions to the development of the SEFA Finance Committee Report on Scaling-Up Finance, and developed analytical tools to estimate investment requirements to achieve universal access to electricity as part of SEFA’s Global Tracking Framework 2015.