Sanket Mohapatra is an Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad. He was earlier a Senior Economist at the World Bank's Global Macroeconomics Team in the Development Prospects Group. His research interests include international finance, capital flows, sovereign and subsovereign ratings, corporate financing patterns in emerging economies, poverty, inequality and economic growth, and migration and remittances. He has contributed to various issues of the World Bank’s flagship Global Development Finance and Global Economic Prospects reports. He was a core team member of the Africa regional flagship report "Leveraging Migration for Africa: Remittances, Skills, and Investments" and co-editor of "Remittance Markets in Africa", a compilation of country studies of remittance markets in eight African countries and in France and the UK. He has been a regular contributor to the World Bank’s Global Economic Weekly briefs and Migration and Development briefs. His work has been published in edited volumes, peer-reviewed journals and as working papers. He holds a Masters from Delhi School of Economics and a PhD from Columbia University.