Savina Carluccio

Savina Carluccio

Project Lead on the Resilience Shift

Savina Carluccio has over 15 years of experience in infrastructure advisory roles for major highway projects. A Chartered Civil Engineer with a geotechnical engineering background, she specializes in providing technical advice on asset management, resilience to extreme weather and climate change and transport innovation for highway owners. She is the author of the resilience of urban rail projects to climate change and natural hazards chapter of the forthcoming World Bank Publication Urban Rail Design Guidebook. She is also working on assessing the resilience of the geotechnical assets on Highways England’s Strategic Road Network to severe weather events. The task will deliver vulnerability framework with the aim to categorize assets and recommend risk-based prioritization of interventions pre- and post-weather event. Her wide breadth of skills and experience also include design, technical management of multidisciplinary teams and delivery of delivery of large infrastructure projects. These have included an 85-km long motorway widening scheme, part of which was procured using Early Contractor Involvement, a DFBO project in Northern Ireland, a fast track PPP project for a new toll motorway in Canada and Crossrail.