Shantel Marekera is an Analyst of the Women, Business and the Law project. She conducts research and analysis on laws related to violence against women and supports WBL’s dissemination efforts. She also contributes to the organization of CSO-Private Sector engagement workshops and regional Peer to Peer learning events. Prior to joining WBL, she served as a member of UN Women’s Beijing+25 Youth Task Force and Action Coalition Working Group. She was recognized by UN Women as a leader for Generation Equality and a National Gender Youth Activist. She is an avid social justice advocate who has closely worked with several civil society organizations including Just Associates (JASS), MenEngage and Restless Development. She holds a Law degree from the University of Oxford where she graduated as a Rhodes scholar. She also holds an undergraduate and a master’s degree in Justice Studies from Barrett the Honors College at Arizona State University where she was a MasterCard Foundation scholar.