Shiva P. Aryal

Shiva P. Aryal

Country Programme Director

Organization: Helvetas Nepal Academic Qualification: Master in Business Management and Commerce Work Experience: April 2009: Country Programme Director of Helvetas Nepal Oct 2003 – Sept 2008: Country Director of VSO Maldives Oct 2000 – Sept 2003: Team Leader of NGO/CBO Capacity Building Project, funded by DFID and managed by a consortium of Actionaid, Plan International and ODG. Sept1999 – Oct 2000: Country Programme Manager (Country Representative), Oxfam GB, Bangladesh Nov 1996 – Sept 1999: Country Programme Manager, Oxfam GB, Nepal April 1992 – Oct 1996: Programme Manager, Bhutanese Refugee Support programme implemented by Oxfam GB, Nepal Worked as lecturer for 5 years, in Nepalgunj&Gorkha Worked as In-charge of payable section of Hotel SoalteeOberoi.