Siv Tokle is a Norwegian national, who currently leads the results, knowledge and operations team of the World Bank Group Cross-cutting Solutions Area on Jobs. She is engaged in improving the evidence base on jobs; addressing knowledge gaps; and developing Monitoring and Evaluation systems and indicators that support jobs-focused lending operations to create more, better, and/or inclusive jobs. She also covers corporate scorecard and SGDs. She has held a variety of positions within evaluation and results-based management in a number of organizations. She recently worked in the World Bank’s climate change department and the Global Environment Facility, where her work included methodologies to assess climate effects. Prior to joining the World Bank in 2003, Siv worked in the private sector in Norway and India, and was stationed for UNDP and UNIDO in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea Bissau, Mali and Austria, covering private sector development, gender, rural development and agriculture. She holds a Masters in Economics and Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (Bergen, Norway).