Stacey Frederick is the Director and a Research Scientist at the Duke GVC Center. Her research involves using global value chain (GVC) analysis to identify economic, social and environmental upgrading opportunities for countries and firms in a variety of industries, including textiles and apparel, electronics/digital/ICT, medical/pharma, automotive, and several other manufacturing and technology-based sectors. She has used the framework to analyze issues ranging from employment generation to trade policy impacts for global organizations including the World Bank, the ILO, the UN Statistics Division, and UNIDO; regional organizations including the Islamic Development Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, as well as a number of national governments (USA, South Korea (KIET), Costa Rica, Philippines, Nicaragua, and Bahrain). One of her primary interests is developing new research methods that combine qualitative and quantitative approaches to evaluate country and firm participation in GVCs. She received her B.S. in Textile Management and Ph.D. in Textile Technology Management from North Carolina State University.