Stephen Zimmermann is the Senior Adviser to the Governance Global Practice where he helps guide the Bank’s anti-corruption, justice and rule of law work. He provides strategic advice at both a global and country level, as well as representing the Bank at the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group and in other international forums addressing global corruption and integrity work. He was previously the Director of Operations for the World Bank Integrity Vice Presidency (INT). In this position, he had a leading role in developing and implementing an expanded strategy for the World Bank’s integrity agenda and led efforts to reach a historic Cross-Debarment Agreement signed by the World Bank and leading regional Multilateral Development Banks for mutual enforcement of sanctions decisions. Prior to joining the World Bank Group, Mr. Zimmermann was the first Chief of the Office of Institutional Integrity for the Inter-American Development Bank. He also has served as the interim Chief of Staff for the Independent Inquiry Committee for the United Nations Oil for Food Program.