CAPT Susan Hillis serves as a Senior Technical Advisor on the CDC COVID-19 International Task Force, and as Senior Technical Advisor for the Faith and Community Initiative, for the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator. As an expert in strategic religious engagement, she provides technical assistance to multilateral, bilateral, and academic institutions aspiring to advance such engagement, including but not limited to the World Bank, UNICEF, WHO, USAID, and Harvard University. She further collaborates at global levels with the office of the World Council of Churches, the Vatican, and the World Evangelical Alliance.
Her research, spanning domestic and global regions, has led to her publishing over 120 peer-reviewed publications addressing HIV, violence against children and youth, sexually transmitted infections, and orphans and vulnerable children. She is co-author the INSPIRE evidence-based technical package for Ending Violence Against Children, which is endorsed by the top leadership at 10 key global agencies, including CDC, PEPFAR, USAID, WHO, UNICEF, UNODC, PAHO, the World Bank, Together for Girls, and the Global Partnership to End Violence.
As a U.S. Public Health Service Officer, CAPT Hillis received the highest non-combat medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, for domestic and global contributions to strengthening public health. She is dedicated to using the best of science to forge broad governmental, civil society, faith-based, and private partnerships that protect children and young people from violence and its enduring consequences.