Tekabe is a Program Leader for Nigeria where he leads the engagements in human development, youth employment and skills as well as a platform that supports women and girls. Prior to this assignment, he was a Program Leader for Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan where he led the World Bank’s engagement in human development, including one of the complex refugee crises in the region. Tekabe brings extensive experience working across many sectors including poverty, education, development economics, social protection, and health. Prior to this role, he led several task teams in complex environments in conflict and fragile contexts and low and high-capacity environments. Tekabe has also contributed to the World Bank’s engagements in the health sector in Nepal, China, Nigeria, Afghanistan, India, Bhutan, and Pakistan. He has also published articles on inequality and decisions on investment in children; intra household resource allocations; and health systems and financing.
Tekabe has a PhD in Development Economics and was a Rockefeller Fellow at Economic Growth Center of Yale University.