Tesfaye Tilahun Workineh is a World Bank Senior Social Protection Economist. An Ethiopian national, Tesfaye joined the Bank in June 2014 to support the livelihoods component of the Rural Productive Safety Net ( PSNP 4), which is one of the longstanding flagship programs in Ethiopia.
From September 2005 through the June 2014, Tesfaye worked for two international non-governmental organizations as Program Manager, as well as Chief of Party. Prior to that he worked with government for 20 years in the areas rural development and food security.
Currently, Tesfaye works with the PSNP Donor Coordination Team as a Deputy Coordinator and Senior Social Protection Economist. He brings more than 37 years of experience in the area of rural development, food security, social protection and livelihoods. He holds and MSc degree in Agricultural Economics in 1999 from the University of Queensland, Australia, Brisbane. In 1996 he earned Post Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Economics from same university.