Dr Theuns Henning is the Director of the Climate Adaptation Platform, Transportation Research Centre and senior lecturer at the University of Auckland, specialising in the areas of Asset Management, Performance Monitoring, Climate Adaptation, Performance Based Contracts and Benchmarking. Theuns received his ME (Transportation) from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He has completed his PhD in 2009 at the University of Auckland.
Projects completed for the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank mostly involved Performance Based Contacting, Climate Adaptation, Asset Management and the Development of design and decision making guidelines. He has been the author of 29 international journals and primary author of 4 World Bank Guidelines for developing countries.
Projects completed for the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank mostly involved Performance Based Contacting, Climate Adaptation, Asset Management and the Development of design and decision making guidelines. He has been the author of 29 international journals and primary author of 4 World Bank Guidelines for developing countries.