Timothy Lyman

Timothy Lyman

Lead Policy Officer, CGSAP

Timothy Lyman leads CGAP’s Global Policy Architecture Initiative from CGAP’s European Office in Paris. In this capacity, he focuses primarily on regulatory and supervisory issues in financial inclusion. He is a co-author of CGAP’s Guide to Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance and began the group's pioneering Focus Notes series on branchless banking regulation. He also leads CGAP’s work to incorporate consideration of financial inclusion in the work of the global financial sector standard-setting bodies, including as lead Implementing Partner on the workstream of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) focused on the standard setters.

In this context, he led the CGAP/World Bank team that produced the 2011 GPFI white paper Standard-Setting Bodies and Financial Inclusion for the Poor: Toward Proportionate Standards and Guidance, and the 2016 second edition Global Standard-Setting Bodies and Financial Inclusion – The Evolving Landscape.  He co-chaired the Basel Committee’s Microfinance Workstream, which led to the publication in August of 2010 of Microfinance Activities and the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision – the Basel Committee’s first ever guidance on a financial inclusion topic. He currently serves as Vice Chair of the Financial Inclusion Workstream of the Basel Consultative Group – outreach arm of the Basel Committee, which produced the Basel Committee’s January 2015 paper Range of Practice in the Regulation and Supervision of Institutions Relevant to Financial Inclusion and is currently working on Basel Committee guidance applying the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision in the context of financial inclusion