Vicky was a founding member of the Met Office Hadley Centre set up in 1990 to provide climate predictions and climate science to underpin government policy on climate change. She has a background in climate modelling and led one of the teams who developed the climate models use in IPCC 3rd and 4th assessment reports and the UK Climate Projections published in 2009 (UKCP09). Since 2002 she has had various senior management roles, delivering climate science advice to government and other stakeholders. She has recently taken on a new role as Head of Integration and Growth with responsibility for maximising the benefits for government of our science capability and that of our partners. Vicky is identifying opportunities for innovation; integrating cutting edge environmental science developed by the Met Office and our partners, with the latest technology to provide new and improved services. This role draws on her experience as climate scientist and in translating that science for government and others.