William Dorotinsky

William Dorotinsky

Acting Director, Governance & Public Sector Management Practice

William Dorotinsky is the Acting Director of the Governance and Public Sector Management Practice and Leader of the Public Sector Performance Global Expert Team of the World Bank. He was previously the Sector Manager for Public Sector Institutional Reform and Governance in the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia Region. He has also served as Deputy Division Chief in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department, where he co-founded the IMF’s Public Financial Management blog. He has led public expenditure work worldwide and was central to the development of the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) framework.
He spent 12 years in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget addressing financial performance and management reforms, including implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act. He was seconded to the District of Columbia during its financial crisis as the Deputy Chief Finance Officer. William also spent several years in the U.S. Treasury as a public finance advisor to the governments of Hungary, Argentina and Croatia. He has numerous publications on public finance, corruption and financial management information systems and has co-authored the book Financial Management Information Systems: 25 Years of World Bank Experience with What Works and What Doesn’t (2011).