William Young

William Young

Lead Water Resource Management Specialist

Dr Young is a Lead Water Resources Management Specialist with the World Bank’s Global Water Practice, based in Washington DC. Dr Young currently leads lending operations in Pakistan on integrated water resources management in Balochistan, national water sector capacity building and national hydromet modernization. He contributes to several other water resources operations in South Asia including the National Hydrology Project and the National Groundwater Management Improvement Project in India. He currently leads analytical studies on water security in Pakistan and on river basin planning for the Ganges Basin in India. From 2013-2016 he was Program Manager for the South Asia Water Initiative (SAWI) – a multi-donor trust fund to promote transboundary cooperation in water resources management in the Himalayan river basin of South Asia – and led the SAWI regional water cooperation dialogue including key events in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2015, and Jaipur, India in 2016. Dr Young acts as the World Bank’s technical liaison to the UN High Level Panel on Water, and is a member of the GEMI inter-agency Working Group for SDG 6.4.
Prior to joining the World Bank, Dr Young in 2013 was the Director of the CSIRO Water Flagship in Australia – Australia’s largest ($100m pa) multi-disciplinary water research partnership, spanning the engineering, biophysical, social, economic and governance aspects of water research across urban, irrigation, environment, and energy sectors. During 2008/9 Dr Young led the river basin modeling work at the Murray-Darling Basin Authority in Australia that guided the development of the first Basin Plan – a major component of the Australian water reform process.