· A New paper has innovative way of getting data on H1B migrants – they obtained administrative data through a Freedom of Information Act request – and use this for most comprehensive look yet at how high-skilled migrants coming through H1B compare to natives.
· Chris Blattman follows up on my Monday post on refereeing with his own recommendations.
· Science Podcast with Lori Beaman on their study of the impact of female leadership on young girl’s career aspirations.
· New NBER paper on experiments with aligning parent, teacher and student incentives in schools in Houston by Roland Fryer.
· Chile’s new emphasis on impact evaluations
· Do school feeding program’s help children? – new From Evidence to Policy note by World Bank’s HD network – summarizes impact evaluations from Uganda, Laos and Burkina Faso.
· Finally, A View from the Cave is asking for nominations for their now annual awards for best blogs in aid and development – as well as best blog and best new blog, they have fun categories like “best series of posts”, “best snark”, and “debate of the year”. In case you want to nominate us, here are some of our favorite posts over the past year
o Jeff Sachs, the Millennium Villages, and Misconceptions about Impact Evaluation
o A rant on the external validity double double-standard
o Working papers are NOT working
o Getting serious about learning how to overcome women’s economic barriers
o Is there an unmet need for birth control?
o The perfectionists vs the reductionists
o On experimental evaluations of systems interventions
o Is this really the best the World Bank/IFC can do in touting its impact?
And some of our favorite series of posts:
o Our series of posts on the impact of blogs (1, 2, 3, 4)
o Our series on ethics (1, 2, 3)
o Our to and fro with Martin Ravallion on single project vs portfolio evaluations (1, 2, 3)
o Our series on job market papers (Dec 12-23).
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