· Marc Bellemare discusses some of his recent research on use of cellphones and agricultural prices achieved by onion farmers in the Philippines. His bottom line result is that it seems to matter who in the household has a cellphone, so just asking about whether the household has a cellphone may not be informative enough for some uses.
· Adam Wagstaff takes a look at which knowledge people are downloading from the World Bank on the Let’s Talk Development blog – despite their lack of citations, the flagship products like the World Development Report remain popular.
· Adam is busy this week, also asking “should you trust a medical journal?” and overviewing some of the recent cases where medical journals have published suspect social science.
· Funding opportunity: The Citi IPA Financial Capability research fund has a call for proposals for “teams of researchers and practitioners to conduct rigorous research on product design, incentives, and product-linked financial education interventions aimed at improving the way low- to moderate-income individuals manage their money”. See details here.
· The impact of Enterprise zones in France covered at VoxEU – seems to lead to more firms in the areas being promoted, but at a large displacement cost on the rest of the city.
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