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Jobs are at the heart of development. But getting just any job isn’t enough. Women, youth and the poor are in special need of more productive jobs with better working conditions.
That’s where impact sourcing comes in. It’s a business model where large firms prioritize suppliers that hire and train vulnerable workers who otherwise have limited prospects for formal employment.
The model provides benefits to both businesses and society: Service providers gain access to new sources of talent, achieve higher levels of employee engagement, and lower attrition rates. Meanwhile, employees take their first steps onto a career ladder that leads to economic self-sufficiency through income growth, skills development and professional advancement.
To find out more about impact sourcing, we interviewed Sara Enright, Project Director for the Global Impact Sourcing Coalition and Associate Director at Business for Social Responsibility.
Watch this short video to hear how she explains impact sourcing and how it helps the most vulnerable groups.
The Global Impact Coalition is a partner of Solutions for Youth Employment, housed in the Jobs Group of the Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice.
Follow the World Bank Jobs Group on Twitter @wbg_jobs.
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