Published on Jobs and Development

An inside look: The jobs M&E toolkit

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The Jobs Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Toolkit is a package of resources for project teams and clients to standardize the assessment of jobs outcomes in World Bank Group lending operations. By using the toolkit, project teams can collect data on jobs without running resource-intensive surveys. The toolkit contains guidance on indicators for key job-related results as well as data collection forms and manuals, which are tailored to both firms and individual beneficiaries.

To find out more about the M&E toolkit and its practical benefits, we interviewed Siv Tokle, Senior Operations Officer in the Jobs Group. She is a key author of the toolkit and has used it in multiple operations to guide project result discussions with government counterparts.
To access the interactive version of the toolkit, please click here.


Sonia Madhvani

Knowledge and Operations Officer, Human Capital Project

Timothy Clay

Consultant, Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice

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