How to innovate the fishing and aquaculture sector in Peru

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Cultivo de trucha en Pachacayo, Jauja. César Reyna (PNIPA) / Banco Mundial Cultivo de trucha en Pachacayo, Jauja. César Reyna (PNIPA) / Banco Mundial

Innovation is key to improving the breeding and extraction of marine and inland species, as well as to enhancing the quality of life of fishing and aquaculture communities.  Its potential to improve productivity is especially relevant in a context in which the food security of millions of people could be at risk.



Doris Carrasco, a fisherwoman from El Ñuro cove, used to sell tuna for 5 soles a kilo (US$ 1.50) at the pier of the same name, located in Piura on Peru’s northern coast. After receiving training on how to gut fish and how to market tuna with added value, her income increased sixfold and she began to receive up to 32 soles (US$ 8.50) per kilo. More income meant a new cold storage room and service to more markets in northern Peru.

In Peru, innovation drives development : it increases productivity, promotes competitiveness and stimulates the economy. At the same time, it raises the income and quality of life of millions of people. These benefits are observed in the fishing and aquaculture sector, which has a long tradition and enormous potential in the country.

The National Program for Innovation in Fisheries and Aquaculture (PNIPA) of Peru’s Ministry of Production, with support from the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), is a key actor for achieving these important results, promoting innovative projects and success stories throughout the country. Like Doris, over 100,000 entrepreneurs throughout the country have increased their income and the productivity of their businesses thanks to the application of innovative concepts, processes and technology.

The PNIPA promotes species and value chains with significant economic and commercial potential for the formation of productive fishing and aquaculture companies.  These include marine species such as trout, paiche, perico (dorado), shrimp, scallop, squid and even macroalgae.

For example, in Pachacayo, Junín, in the Peruvian highlands, the communities of the Agrarian Society of Social Interest, SAIS Túpac Amaru, sell premium quality trout thanks to their modern hatchery, implemented with PNIPA funds. In the hatchery, trout are raised from genetically improved eggs using the technology implemented as part of the project. Consequently, communities no longer depend on foreign seeds for breeding and have gained new commercial opportunities.

Since 2017, the PNIPA has been co-financing more than 1,600 innovation projects in fisheries and aquaculture in four categories : applied research and experimental development; adaptive research; technical assistance; and capacity building. The response to calls for proposals has been surprising: 34,000 proposals from actors in the fisheries and aquaculture innovation system, including entrepreneurs, consultants, small-scale fish farmers and researchers.

These projects have benefited 102,000 people in the fishing and aquaculture sector, who have increased their income and quality of life by participating in extraction, filleting, primary processing, transportation, cold chain, safety and other processes. The PNIPA helped improved these processes through innovation.

Seeds of innovation

The 1,600 projects have been creating an important legacy for the country in terms of innovation. To date, 40 indigenous and peasant communities and 90 organizations of artisanal fishermen have participated in the innovation projects. These projects have helped reduce the social gap of access to technology and research. Currently, all these organizations have increased their use of technology and innovation in their fishing and aquaculture operations, thereby facilitating access to new markets and improving their quality of life.

Innovative projects are also addressing the impact of climate change on fishing. Additionally, the projects focus on the circular economy, the responsible use of water, and the use of renewable energy for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The PNIPA projects also promote quality, health and safety, as well as environmental management in fishing and aquaculture production processes.

To date, the PNIPA has invested 297.8 million soles in these projects (approximately US$ 78 million), most of which is from the government resources, as well as key support from public and private entities responsible for national project implementation. The fruits of these seeds are tangible in the fishing and aquaculture sector today. And they will continue to bear fruit in the future development of this activity and the country.


RELATED (in Spanish)

The series Seeds of Water (in Spanish), produced by the PNIPA of the Ministry of Production, with the support of the World Bank and FAO, presents the stories of the people behind the fisheries and aquaculture innovation projects: men and women who, through their work and creativity, contribute to the development of the country for future generations.



Mariana Escobar

Representante de la FAO en el Perú

David Ramos López

Director ejecutivo del Programa Nacional de Innovación en Pesca y Acuicultura, PNIPA.

Michael Morris

Lead Agriculture Economist

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