The learning crisis of adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean: A first look at the new PISA results

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Teenage students using computers in a classroom Teenage students using computers in a classroom

Last week saw the release of new data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), implemented by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Fifteen-year-old students from fourteen Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries participated in this international large-scale student assessment, which was postponed by a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this assessment provide important evidence on what adolescents in the region know and can do in mathematics, reading, and science as well as additional information on how they feel about school, what their learning experience was during the pandemic, and what resources their schools have to provide a good and welcoming learning environment.

For now, we have only had a quick glimpse of the main results, but we wanted to share four key findings for education policymakers and practitioners in the LAC region.


Figure 1: Latin American and Caribbean students performance in mathematics. PISA 2022

Pisa 2022: Latin America and the Caribbean students performance in Mathematics
Note: The numbers on top represent the country’s ranking among all 81 participating countries, based on the mean score point estimate. *Caution is required when interpreting estimates because one or more PISA sampling standards were not met. Source: IDB, 2023.


Figure 2: Latin American and Caribbean students performance in reading. PISA 2022

Pisa 2022: Latin America and the Caribbean students performance in Reading
Note: The numbers on top represent the country’s ranking among all 81 participating countries, based on the mean score point estimate. *Caution is required when interpreting estimates because one or more PISA sampling standards were not met. Source: IDB, 2023.



Figure 3: Latin American and Caribbean students variation in percentage of low performance in mathematics. PISA 2018-2022

PISA 2018-2022: Variation in percentage of low performace in mathematics
Source: IDB, 2023.


  • Fourth, this picture of low and unequal learning levels and setback in learning proficiency between 2018 and 2022 can be only partially attributed to the pandemic losses. The new PISA data is the first international learning assessment after the pandemic, but it also reflects changes from roughly one year before 2020 (two years before for Paraguay, which participated in PISA for Development in 2017) and one year after. But the contribution of the pandemic to this bleak picture can also be validated by the near-universal learning losses observed in primary education for all the countries with updated national assessments. Losses for secondary students are likely to be smaller than for primary school students, as suggested by country evidence confirming also the cumulative nature of skills development. The students we are observing in the 2022 PISA were already 13 by the time schools closed, and they were likely more familiar with technology, access to which was ramped up in most countries of the region, and more able to learn independently. We have been most concerned about learning losses, among children in early childhood education ages and, for schoolchildren in grades 2 to 6, since foundational literacy skills are acquired during those grades, and if recovery does not continue, we may see large gaps in the next PISA round. Finally, and interestingly, some countries have already started to recover learning by 2022, building on the growing commitment of LAC countries to learning recovery and acceleration and the actions already taken in 2021 and 2022 by some of them, such as the prioritization of curricula on foundational skills, the targeted support to low achievers, and the enhanced technology deployment.

So, what do these education findings mean for education policymakers and practitioners in Latin America and the Caribbean? We propose three policy priorities :

  1. In view of the very high shares of students below basic proficiency and the negative trends in mathematics, take immediate action to recover the learning losses in math outcomes for adolescent learners, including tutoring interventions, potentially using EdTech solutions.
  2. Take action to improve and strengthen outcomes in other subjects (including reading and science), ensuring that half of the students who are lagging behind can catch up.
  3. Continue to emphasize recovery and acceleration efforts in reading and math for primary education students who have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and who would be part of the next rounds of PISA assessments.

Policies cannot be implemented if the right level of resources is not allocated. OECD countries invest per student on average three times as much as LAC countries over their learning trajectory: $102,612 versus $36,972. But not only increasing investments is important. Countries should also spend better: in all countries in LAC with data, performance in math is below what their level of investment predicts.

The World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank are looking forward to digging deeper into the PISA data to understand how 2022 results and changes from the 2018 wave differ by different student and school characteristics, including access to digital technology in the learning process. This analysis will be carried out jointly.  Stay tuned.                                   

[1] These include Argentina (APRENDER, 2018, 2021, 2022); Brazil (SAEB, 2019, 2021); Chile (SIMCE, 2018, 2022); Ecuador (Ser Estudiante, 2021, 2022); Peru (EM, 2019, 2022); Uruguay (Aristas, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2022); Mexico, Guanajuato (RIMA 2020, 2021).


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Jaime Saavedra

Human Development Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank

Ferdinando Regalia

Manager of the Social Sector, Inter-American Development Bank

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