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Global Findex 2014: a bonanza of data on financial inclusion

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ImageFellow data geeks, today is your lucky day!
​Today we launch our report  The Global Findex Database 2014: Measuring Financial Inclusion around the World and  The 2014 Global Findex database, an updated edition of what is by far the world’s most comprehensive gauge of global progress on financial inclusion. You may also find the database on the Development Data Group's Data Catalog

Want to learn how many adults own a bank account worldwide? Right this way. What happens with the gender gap when you break it down by country and region? We’ve got the stats … Check.  Where is mobile money making the biggest inroads, and what are the impacts? Check ... Check. How do adults save and borrow money, as well as manage financial risk? Check … Check … Check!

It’s all here, along with 800 other indicators. Many categories have data from 2014 and the original 2011 Global Findex, allowing you to trace developments in the financial inclusion world over the last three years. When you’re done, you can organize/visualize your findings in charts, tables, or graphs.

The database draws on interviews with almost 150,000 adults in more than 140 countries. As in 2011, we’ve partnered with Gallup Inc. and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, whose support allowed us to add exciting new features to the 2014 edition, including an extended module on different types of payments.

For the first time, we asked what kinds of payments people receive (such as wages or payments for the sale of farm products), what kinds of payments they make (think school fees and utility bills), and how they carry out these transactions—whether in cash or digitally.  We also asked more detailed questions about mobile money accessed via mobile phone.

Once again, read our report, which summarizes some headline findings and can help guide you through the data. 

Now go forth and start digging!  Please use the comment field below to share with us how you’ve used the data, what insights you’ve gained from the data, and other areas.
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