Today marks an important date: The Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KP) begins its inception phase today. With seed funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the KP will be a global public good, multidisciplinary, a process of synthesizing existing knowledge and creating knowledge where necessary, all with the purpose of creating a menu of policy options for policy makers (see consultation draft). The policy recommendations will be designed with careful analysis of facts and evidence. Methodologies will be closely scrutinized by peer reviewers. A 9 month inception phase will end in January 2013, and the KP will enter implementation phase in February 2013. By then, a secretariat would have been established, an Advisory Board formed, and at least 5 thematic working groups would have been identified.
The KP has been in the making for nearly 2 years now. The proposal received strong support from many eminent personalities (see, for example, a video message from Professor Bhagwati). More recently, several members of the Global Migration Group (notably, IOM, UNDESA, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNITAR) and migration networks (notably Metropolis network) have joined the Knowledge Partnership. In the coming months we will be reaching out to all who care about migration and development - like-minded or not - for support and partnership. Do let us know if you want to be a part of this global public good.
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