And the vote is in…

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Alexis Sampson and Michael Jarvis sum up this year's International Business Forum:

The lights dimmed in the Preston Auditorium and the tension rose as the results were calculated. Having generated and then prioritized host of recommendations over the course of the IBF, delegates voted to rank their final top ten. Despite the risky reliance on electronic voting machines, the system worked and the results were reassuringly conclusive.


The number one priority? Step up collaboration and coordination between business associations, civil society, and governments to make all parties more accountable to reduce corruption. The most achievable action in the short term? Press public and private sectors to increase knowledge sharing around adaptive strategies in preventing climate change with particular guidance for SMEs. Read the full top ten list at the IBF website.

In the closing session, Vinita Bali, Managing Director of India based Britannia Industries, captured the reassuringly hopeful message reiterated by panelists and participants alike throughout the Forum: "Companies that play by the rules will win in a competitive environment," in the long run.

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