Within the PPP Group of the World Bank's Infrastructure Finance Gobal Department, Mikel's work focuses on infrastructure governance and regulation as well as on issues related to PPP's fiscal commitments and contingent liabilities (FCCL). Mikel initially joined the World Bank in December 2014 as a consultant to lead and develop the different editions of the Benchmarking Infrastructure Development initiative that continues to be a key part of his work.
Before joining the World Bank, Mikel worked on issues related to the fiscal implications of PPPs at the Fiscal and Municipal Management Division of the Inter-American Development Bank. Prior to that, he practiced public and administrative law as an associate attorney with the firm Garrigues in Barcelona, Spain.
Mikel holds a joint degree in Law and Business Administration from the Public University of Navarra and holds a Master of Public Policy (MPP) from the McCourt School of Georgetown University. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Public Administration at the George Washington University Trachtenberg School.