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Stepping on the TEDx stage: The future of global development is supporting local solutions

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In the Fall, I had the opportunity to participate at TEDx MidAtlantic and talk about some of the things we are doing at the World Bank's Innovation Labs. I was excited at this opportunity to share the stage with inspiring speakers such as, Barbara Amaya, anti-trafficking advocate; Katie Bechtold, flight controller Pluto mission; Kavita Shukla, social entrepreneur; Jose Andres, renowned chef; Lawrence Lessig, democracy reformer,  and many other truly inspiring speakers.

It was an invigorating experience to share with the audience the work we are doing at Innovation Labs. We are harnessing the power of social enterprise innovations to bridge the last mile service delivery gaps to those who need it the most in remote areas. We are also looking at the changing landscape of innovations and trying to see how we can utilize emerging technologies such as big data, UAVs (aka drones), sensor technologies, or 3-D printing in development projects. As these technologies may offer opportunities for developing countries to leapfrog development pathways (just like mobile telephony did to the landline).

Please take a few minutes to watch my talk and share any ideas you may have with me on innovating to improve development outcomes.







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