Published on Digital Transformation

Please share your ideas on how Open Data can help eradicate rural poverty

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We’d like to hear your ideas of how Open Data could be used to help eradicate poverty and improve public services in rural India. 

We are launching a co-creation and crowdsourcing effort on “Open Data Solutions for Rural Development and Inclusive Growth in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.” This is linked to an ideation workshop on September 4 in Hyderabad, which will bring together key stakeholders from these two Indian States, including government officials, development practitioners, health, education, agriculture, retail and other subject matter experts, entrepreneurs, ICT firms, and academic and research institutions.

You can follow the discussions online via Twitter, ask questions and engage with us on (, using the hashtag #data4impact. You can also follow us on our Facebook page.

The workshop will consist of two parts. The first part will focus on knowledge sharing of global and Indian good practices, successful solutions and lessons learned, as well as collecting feedback from participants and discussing priorities for the Open Data initiative in the rural space. There will be presentations by government officials and World Bank experts with examples from around the world, in India and within the two states.

The afternoon workshop session will focus on identifying and elaborating high-priority challenges and brainstorming on possible Open Data-enabled solutions based on successful use cases. Some of the questions we're interested in hearing your answers to include:
  • Are you aware of any interesting initiatives, products or services created by civil society organizations, the private sector or development agencies that use Open Data for service delivery/improving public services in the rural sector in India or elsewhere?
  • Have you come across any examples of innovative use of Open Data, analytics, and data-driven solutions in areas such as agriculture, health, nutrition, education, entitlements, value chain creation and governance in the rural space that we should highlight?
Please share your examples, experiences and suggestions with us through our Twitter stream (, using the hashtag #data4impact, on our Facebook page or by posting a comment on this blog entry. We look forward to engaging with you on this important challenge.


Oleg Petrov

Senior Digital Development Specialist, World Bank

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