We know corruption in developing countries affects poor people the most. It also impacts firms in many ways.
Here are five charts showing how corruption is affecting businesses from South Asia to Sub-Saharan Africa.
These charts are based on surveys of more than 13,000 firms in 135 countries, by World Bank Enterprise Surveys. It collects data directly from firms to study an economy’s private sector.
Over 50% of companies in Middle East and North Africa identify corruption as a major constraint
1 in 4 companies in South Asia are expected to give "gifts" to get an operating license
27% of companies in Sub-Saharan Africa are expected to give "gifts" to public officials "to get things done"
Almost half of firms in South Asia are expected to give "gifts" to secure a government contract
1 in 3 firms are expected to give "gifts" to get a construction permit in East Asia and Pacific
Everyday corruption can seem almost impossible to fight. Check out this video to find out 10 ways you could fight corruption.
Are you surprised to see these charts? What are other ways we could fight corruption? Tell us in the comments.
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