Published on Investing in Health

Top 5 Most Viewed Health Blogs

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The most viewed health blog from the past year addressed vaccine hesitancy. The most viewed health blog from the past year addressed vaccine hesitancy. Copyright: Shutterstock

Top 5 Most Viewed Health Blogs

As we take a short editorial break for the summer, we looked back at our most viewed blogs on Investing in Health. From addressing vaccine hesitancy to supporting the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in developing countries to providing primary health care for an aging population, here are the five most viewed blogs from the past year, in order of their popularity.

1. Vaccine hesitancy: 10 lessons from chatbotting about COVID-19 in 17 countries
17 March 2022

As the first COVID-19 vaccines started being administered a little more than a year ago, a wave of optimism swept a world battered by millions of deaths and facing an economic crisis due to the pandemic. While vaccines are one of the key interventions to reduce the severity of COVID-19 and help countries reopen their economies, a fundamental challenge has limited the impact of this major scientific advance: the hesitancy of millions to take the shot.
Read more: English | Russian

2. Gender equality in health – still a long way to go
22 March 2022

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate hard-won progress for women and girls. It is also a stark reminder of the remaining challenges.  Women don’t have equal opportunity, representation, and quality of life – nor do they have equality in health. More than 5 million women, children and adolescents die from preventable health conditions every year.
Read more: English | French

3. Excess under-five mortality due to COVID-19 related economic downturn
15 April 2022

The economic downturn resulting from COVID-19-related lockdowns may have contributed to the death of hundreds of thousands of children under the age of five in 129 of the world’s low- and middle-income countries in the first year of the pandemic.
Read more: English

4. Supporting vaccine rollout in developing countries
15 December 2021

To save lives around the world, COVID-19 vaccines must be shared more equitably and become widely available in low- and middle-income countries. However, obtaining enough vaccines is only the first hurdle. To get shots into arms rapidly, developing countries have to be prepared and equipped for mass vaccination.
Read more: English
Related updates: Responding better in emergencies | From report to action

5. PHC-centered integrated care for an aging population
11 May 2022

Globally, COVID-19 has increased uncertainty for all, but particularly for older populations who are most vulnerable to the virus. Importantly, the pandemic highlighted global gaps in health care for the elderly that must be addressed as longevity increases and mortality rates improve across the globe.
Read more: English

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