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That was the first question up for debate at the Citizen Voices Conference on March 18. And the communal answer was a clear and resounding "yes."
The next question up posed more of a challenge – How do we build our public and private institutions so citizens can access information and influence decisions impacting their own lives? The answer to this was pulled apart for eight hours by technology innovators, development specialists, government officials, academics, civil society representatives, and members of the private sector at this interactive and multilingual conference.
World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim joined World Bank Group Managing Director Caroline Anstey at the event that featured citizen-focused projects from around the world. Read President Jim Yong Kim’s opening remarks here.
Even though the conference has ended, it's not too late to participate in the ongoing #engagevoices conversation on Twitter. Also, find out what happened live on Storify and with the video and live blog archive below.
Watch highlights from the conference
Read an archive of the live blog
Citizen Voices was hosted by the World Bank Group in partnership with the Government of Finland, CIVICUS, and InterAction.
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