Our World Bank community has been out in the field with video cameras asking families, farmers, workers and parents from all corners of the globe: What will it take… to improve your life?.. to get a better job? … to end poverty?
As part of our global conversation on social media and multimedia, we have received video from countries like Brazil, Ecuador, Tanzania, Laos and India. People are sharing their ideas, their hopes and their solutions for creating a better life for all.
Here are three views on #whatwillittake:
In Brazil, Maria José dos Santos tells us that providing more schools and childcare would allow mothers to get fulltime jobs. “It would be great if everybody had more access to child care and all day schools. That would enable mothers to work in peace.”
In Ecuador, a farmer named Segundo Cando Huaraca, says #ittakes water to irrigate his field, so that he can work his land rather than hire himself out as a day laborer. “With irrigation water, I do not have to go anywhere. I can work on my own land, for my family and myself.”
In India, Dhangaur emphasizes the need for good sanitation and a clean place to live and raise healthy children. “Our neighborhood is extremely filthy, and our children are being ruined in this atmosphere.”
Stay tuned for more videos from all over the world. Post your questions on Twitter using #whatwillittake, and share your solutions with the hashtag #ittakes.
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