Dilip Ratha is head of KNOMAD and lead economist, Migration and Remittances, Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice at the World Bank. In a career spanning three decades, he has done pioneering work on remittances, migration, and innovative financing (diaspora bonds, future-flow securitization, shadow sovereign ratings). His TED talk, with over 1.4 million views, has inspired many fintech start-ups. He is the Founder of KNOMAD, Migrating out of Poverty Research Program Consortium, and African Institute of Remittances. Prior to the World Bank, he worked at Credit Agricole Indosuez W.I. Carr Securities (Hong Kong and Singapore), and the Policy Group (Delhi), and taught at Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad) and Indian Statistical Institute (Delhi). He has a Ph.D. in economics from Indian Statistical Institute.